Course Description:

This course is a compulsory course for the first years in the faculty of Nursing. Altogether, it bears six (6) credits. (3 credits each in the two semesters.)

It is a content language integrated course which aims at developing all four skills of writing, reading, listening and speech. The course covers the aspects of English required for the areas of nursing such as patient admission, taking medical specimen, preparing patients for surgery etc.


Requirements to pass the course:

As this is a compulsory course unit no students are exempted. Classes are conducted in mixed ability groups.

It is required to complete both the in-class assignment and the final writing paper in order to get a pass.

The first semester in class assignment is based on listening whereas the second semester assignment is speech.

Intensive course is conducted according to the time durations given by the Faculty of Nursing each year. (Usually it is 3 weeks)


Course Titles and Codes:

FN 1301 – semester 1

FN 1310 – semester 2


Assessments and Examinations:

Semester 1 – in class assignment – 25%

                         Final paper – 75%

Semester 2 – in class assignment – 25%

                          Final paper – 75%


Overall Programme Coordinators:

Nirupama Mahagamasekera


Dilinie Gunarathna