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  1. Pay Rs. 1,500 to Account No: 304 027 900 001 at any Peoples’ Bank branch, designated for the University of Colombo.
  2. If paying online, please use the university’s online payment link: http://pay.cmb.ac.lk/ and select “Application Fee – Post Graduate – Faculty of Arts.” Enter 304 027 900 001 in the ‘Payment Reference’ column. After completing the payment, take a screenshot or download the softcopy of the slip.
  3. Fill out the application form available at https://forms.gle/9qKdHuCMPxVTHAcU9 and upload a copy of the bank receipt showing the applicant’s name. If you paid online, please upload the slip instead and submit the application online.
  4. Please note that application and course fees are non-refundable.
  5. Applications must be submitted online only before 15. 02 2025.



  1. A selection test will be held to place applicants in the appropriate course.
  2. Date of the selection test and your index number will be notified to you by an email.
  3. When you come for the selection test you are required to bring your national identity card and the index number.


Applicants who fail to appear for the selection test will not be considered for the admission of the course.


Registration Procedure (ONLY AFTER THE SELECTION TEST)

  1. This section is only for those who get through the selection test.
  2. The course fee should be paid at any Peoples’ Bank branch to the A/C Number that will be given to you later by us.
  3. The bank receipt for the course fee and the duly completed registration form should be submitted to the Extension Courses in English office, Department of English, (Room No. 115, 1st Floor, New Arts Building, Reid Avenue) University of Colombo during office hours (Our office is closed on Mondays and public holidays) from 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. at the time of registration.



Extension Courses in English Office

Email: extensioncourses@english.cmb.ac.lk

Website: https://arts.cmb.ac.lk/english/extension-courses-in-english-2/

Phone: 0112 504735