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Extension Courses in English Office, Department of English, University of Colombo

Certificate Courses – 2025

  1. Essentials in Teaching English Literature
  1. Introduction

The Department of English seeks the permission of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo to offer a certificate course in Essentials in Teaching English Literature. The course is expected to commence in March 2025.

  1. The Need

English literature is a key component of the English subject in all sectors of school education at present. Many schools prefer to introduce English literature earlier rather than later in the school curriculum. Teachers for this subject are recruited based on their English language proficiency, or qualifications related to English language; however, they are expected to teach literature. At times, they have little knowledge of the literary texts, genres or of relevant pedagogical knowledge. Therefore, the Department of English aims to cater to this need with a certificate course which will allow applicants to become familiar with the essentials of teaching English literature.

  1. Objectives

The objectives of this certificate course are as follows:

  1. Familiarize prospective/current teachers of literature in English with key literary genres
  2. Provide foundational pedagogical skills for teaching English literature
  1. Target Groups

The course will cater to current or prospective teachers of English literature in any sector of school education. Teachers in tertiary-level institutions may also find this course beneficial.

  1. Admission Requirements

To be admitted as a student of this course, a candidate should possess any one of the following qualifications:

  1. Grade NINE school leaving certificate


  1. Completion of primary education and certified work experience equivalent to a minimum of two years


  1. passing the admission / placement test


  1. Medium of Instruction:                 English
  1. Course Fee: 70,000 / USD 500 to be paid in 2 installments
  1. Course Duration:                             Five (5) months covering 80 contact hours (04 hours per week) on Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Teaching Methodology:                Lectures, discussion groups, guest lectures, practical teaching sessions, incorporation of audio-visual material


  1. Public Speaking in English
  1. Introduction

The Department of English seeks the permission of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo to offer a certificate course in Public Speaking in English.

The course is expected to commence in March 2025.

  1. The Need

Speaking skills in the English language are important, yet not very well developed in school. Employees both in the private and state sector need the ability to speak in public to develop to their full professional potential. There is a need, therefore, for a focused short programme which will enhance not only speakers’ fluency but also their confidence in speech. The Department of English aims to cater to this need with a certificate course which will allow applicants with different levels of fluency to develop their skill in public speaking.

  1. Objectives

The objectives of this certificate course are as follows:

  1. build confidence in speaking in English in front of an audience
  2. develop the speaker’s ability to speak to varied audiences in English


  1. Target Groups

This course is meant for any individual who wishes to develop fluency and confidence in speaking in English. This includes, but is not limited to, professional sectors, state sector employees, school leavers, community leaders, and other such individuals.

  1. Admission Requirements

To be admitted as a student of this course, a candidate should possess any one of the following qualifications:

  1. Grade NINE school leaving certificate


  1. Completion of primary education and certified work experience equivalent to a minimum of two years


  1. sit the placement test set by the Department of English


  1. Medium of Instruction:                 English
  1. Course Fee:                                        Rs. 45,000 / USD 350, to be paid in 2 installments
  1. Course Duration: Four (4) months covering 64 contact hours (4 hours per week). On Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Teaching Methodology: On-site teaching with workshops and guest speakers


 Office Communication in English


  1. Introduction

The Department of English seeks the permission of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo to offer a certificate course in Office Communication in English. The course is expected to commence in March 2025.


  1. The Need

Office communication is a specific type of communication, which is not typically taught in general language courses. Potential employees need these abilities to be able to locate and successfully manage recruitment; and already employed individuals usually have to learn professional communication skills on the job. The Department of English aims to cater to this need with a certificate course which will allow participants focus entirely on spoken and written forms of communication used in an office environment.

  1. Objectives

The objectives of this certificate course are as follows:

  1. Inculcate an awareness of different forms of official communication used in a work environment
  2. Develop the ability to use spoken or written communication in English in a work environment


  1. Target Groups

Individuals who have to communicate with others in professionals capacities will benefit from this certificate course. This is aimed at a broad cross-section of people, including school leavers seeking jobs, employees in the state and private sector, self-employed individuals.

  1. Admission Requirements

To be admitted as a student of this course, a candidate should possess any one of the following qualifications:

  1. Grade NINE school leaving certificate


  1. Completion of primary education and certified work experience equivalent to a minimum of two years


  1. sit the placement test set by the Department of English


  1. Medium of Instruction:                 English
  1. Course Fee:                                        Rs. 45,000 / USD 350, to be paid in 2 installments
  1. Course Duration: Four (4) months covering 64 contact hours (4 hours per week). On Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Teaching Methodology Lectures, writing workshops, role play, practical sessions



  1. Pay Rs. 1,500 to Account No: 304 027 900 001 at any Peoples’ Bank branch, designated for the University of Colombo.
  2. If paying online, please use the university’s online payment link: http://pay.cmb.ac.lk/ and select “Application Fee – Post Graduate – Faculty of Arts.” Enter 304 027 900 001 in the ‘Payment Reference’ column. After completing the payment, take a screenshot or download the softcopy of the slip.
  3. Fill out the application form available at https://forms.gle/9qKdHuCMPxVTHAcU9 and upload a copy of the bank receipt showing the applicant’s name. If you paid online, please upload the slip instead and submit the application online.
  4. Please note that application and course fees are non-refundable.
  5. Applications must be submitted online only before 01. 2025.



  1. A selection test will be held to place applicants in the appropriate course.
  2. Date of the selection test and your index number will be notified to you by an email.
  3. When you come for the selection test you are required to bring your national identity card and the index number.


Applicants who fail to appear for the selection test will not be considered for the admission of the course.


Registration Procedure (ONLY AFTER THE SELECTION TEST)

  1. This section is only for those who get through the selection test.
  2. The course fee should be paid at any Peoples’ Bank branch to the A/C Number that will be given to you later by us.
  3. The bank receipt for the course fee and the duly completed registration form should be submitted to the Extension Courses in English office, Department of English, (Room No. 115, 1st Floor, New Arts Building, Reid Avenue) University of Colombo during office hours (Our office is closed on Mondays and public holidays) from 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. at the time of registration.



Extension Courses in English Office

Email: extensioncourses@english.cmb.ac.lk

Website: https://arts.cmb.ac.lk/english/extension-courses-in-english-2/

Phone: 0112 504735