The Department of Political Science and Public Policy as it is today was established in October 2001 and reaching its celebration of 25 years of silver jubilee. The Department & vision is: “Cultivating Critical Knowledge for Constructive Social and Political Change.” The department conducts undergraduate programs in all three Languages Sinhala, Tamil, and English. It collaborates with the Departments of Sociology and History in offering some course modules.
The Department offers MA, MPhil, and PhD degrees in Political Science. The Department also offers an Advanced Certificate Course in Politics and Governance Studies (ACCPGS). The academic staff of the Department consists of 11 Senior Lecturers, 01 Lecturer (Probationary), and 04 Temporary Assistant Lecturers.
Dr. Mahesh Senanayake
Head- Department of Political Science and Public Policy
PhD (UK). MA, BA Honors (Colombo), PGDBCIS),
CTHE (Colombo), Attorney at Law, Coordinator- ACCPGS
Senior Lecturer
Dr. M. S. Anees
Senior Lecturer
PhD, MA (Nagoya- Japan)
BA Honors (Peradeniya)
Dr. K.S. K Ariyadasa
Senior Lecturer
PhD, MA (Colombo),
BA Honors (Peradeniya)
Student Counsellor
Mr. Dhamma Dissanayake
Senior Lecturer
M.Phil (Colombo), BA (Colombo)
Ms. G. P.V. D. R Silva
Senior Lecturer (on Study Leave)
M.Phil (Peradeniya), BA (Colombo)
Dr. Shamini Chandran
PhD (Hiroshima), MA (Nagoya),
BA Honors (Colombo)
Temporary student Counsellor
Dr. Pradeep Pieris
PhD (Colombo),
BSc in Physical Science (Colombo)
Postgraduate Coordinator
Ms. A. D. M. Ruwanpathirana
MA (Kelaniya), BA (Colombo)
Temporary Student Counsellor
Ms. Anjali Korala
Senior Lecturer (on Study Leave)
MPhil, BA Honors (Colombo),
CTHE (Colombo), SEDA (UK)
Mr. L. S. C. Leelarathne
Lecturer (Probationary)
MA (Colombo), BA (Colombo)
Exam Coordinator
Ms. C.R. Silva
Senior Lecturer – Transitional
MPhil, BA Honors (Colombo),
CTHE (Colombo), SEDA (UK)
Mr. M.N.M Faslan
Lecturer (Probationary)
MA (Colombo), BA (Colombo)
Ms. J.N.M. Kanchana Madhubhashini Jayasundara
Temporary Assistant Lecturer
BA (Colombo)
Ms. Sewmini Shashikala
Temporary Assistant Lecturer
BA (Colombo)
Ms. T.H.R. de Silva
Temporary Assistant Lecturer
BA (Colombo)