Completion of the Second Round of the Short Online Course on Disability Inclusive Education for Academics : 10th – 21st Jan.

Completion of the Second Round of the Short Online Course on Disability Inclusive Education for Academics : 10th – 21st Jan.

 The Centre for Disability Research, Education, and Practice (CEDREP) with the financial sponsorship of AHEAD Activity 4- creating an accessible and equal learning environment for all students with disabilities in the Faculty of Arts completed a 6-hour online course on Disability Inclusive Education from 10th January 2022 to 21st January 2022. Forty-nine academics from the University of Colombo registered and participated in the course. The course was conducted by Ms Niluka Gunawardena, Ms Dinusha Wickramasekere, Ms Lasanthi Daskon, and Ms Manique Gunarathne. Ms Gunawardena developed and coordinated the course.