Lecture – Levers of Success: Persons with Disabilities Doing Well in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia

This talk will report on research funded by ESRC/DFID under the Bridging the gap consortium led by Professor Nora Groce (UCL). Qualitative research was undertaken in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia, with adults with physical and sensory disabilities who had experienced success in their lives. Success was locally defined, but can be summarised as economic independence, often together with marriage and parenthood. Respondents performed a wide range of roles, differing by urban and rural location. The talk will explore both internal and external factors that account for success: family support, resilience, adaptation and intelligence, but also wider support given by NGOs, DPOs and government programmes. This study challenges the assumption that persons with disabilities in low income countries are rarely successful on an equal basis with others, and points to ways forward for promoting inclusion.

16th January 2020 at 3pm the Faculty of Arts’ Board Room.

All are welcome!

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