Promoting Age-Friendly Environments: An exhibition by third-year Demography Special Degree students
The Department of Demography, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo hosted an insightful exhibition
on 29 th October 2024. This event was conducted by the third-year Demography Special Degree students as
part of their mid-semester examination under the course unit DMG 3247 (Ageing Studies), and was
guided by Senior Lecturer Ms. Nethra Senadhi and Assistant Lecturer Ms. Kavindya De Silva.
The exhibition aimed to raise awareness about “Age-friendly environments” and their role in supporting
elder well-being, reducing disability risks, and fostering social participation. The display showcased eight
key aspects of age-friendly environments: housing, agriculture, industry, services, public spaces, villages,
cities, and Elders’ Homes/Elders’ Day Care Centres; each brought to live with with creative dummies,
images, posters and drama clips. A distinguished judging panel, including Dr. Kumudika Boyagoda (Head
of the Department of Demography), Mr. Janaka Senavirathne (Head of the Home Care Division, HelpAge
Sri Lanka), Mr. K. Chathura Mahidum (Director, National Council and Secretariat for Elders), Ms. Nethra
Senadhi (Course lecturer) assessed the students' innovative ideas and presentations.
Drawing from global experiences, the students creatively addressed the importance of age-friendly spaces
and highlighted the issues that arise in their absence. The program featured creative dummy setups,
visuals, and new ideas to encourage elder empowerment and inclusion in communities. In addition to
sharing valuable knowledge, the event inspired strategies to create supportive environments benefiting
elders, and generated new commercial ideas for enhancing services and facilities adapted to the needs of
the elderly.