The Department of International Relations 19-65 Acapella Chorus Christmas Carols
The 19-65 Acapella chorus was designed to be inclusive; to have students from all years reading International Relations from all faiths, all ethnic groups, and from both genders singing alongside staff from the Department to highlight harmony and friendship.
The Christmas Carols, sung in Sinhala, Tamil and English by two staff members and students reading IR in their second and fourth years illustrate what is true social harmony. It also provides examples of students’ confidence in their singing abilities and as well as being a venue to enhance their language and IT skills. This 19-65 Acapella Chorus also presents the inclusiveness of Eastern and Western lenses.
This will be an annual event organized by the 19-65 Acapella Chorus of the Department of IR.
The links for the videos. d/1uB_ S58wwUC73FqCVOl8srs5S3O3L4z4D/ view?usp=sharing