Vesak Bhakti Geetha19-65 Acapella

Vesak Bhakti Geetha19-65 Acapella

The 19-65 Chorus was created with the intent not merely to harmonize the voices öf singers but of harmonising staff and students (i.e. thus opening the acapella chorus to all above 19 and below 65). It is also a way to develop skills since the Chorus is designed to be inclusive of all who want to sing. By being part of the Chorus, it is expected that the students (and staff) will gain training over time and enhance their confidence.
In these difficult times, as it has become difficult to gather to physically create the chorus, the staff and students have strived to continue the chorus but through diverse virtual means.
Thus, the staff of the Department of International Relations, with students from the 1st year batch reading for their INR 1204 course are presenting herewith Vesak Bhakthi geetha.


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