2nd Webinar on “Employabilty Enhancing Skills” – 27th June
The second webinar organized by the Department of International Relations under the World Bank, AHEAD grant on “Employability Enhancing Skills” scheduled on 27th June 2020 from 8am-4pm. Speakers were Admiral Professor Jayanath Colombage, Addl. Secretary to President, Foreign Relations and Dr. Shamini Perera, Head/Faculty of Management, Sri Lanka Technological Campus. Academic mentoring and peer mentoring held separately by all staff members of the Department and the fourth years of International Relations special degree program.
After the successful completion of the workshop second year students were educated on the following.
– How to be committed on learning, cope-up with stressful situations, meeting deadlines effectively, and determine about the competing responsible tasks.
– Being able to develop a personal development plan.
– Engage effectively in classroom activities, make use of Department level extracurricular activities, structuring examination answers, referencing, avoiding plagiarism and how to receive good grades at examination.
– Filling correctly the EMPKI App (Department Initiative).
– Peer mentoring from fourth years on group assignments, classroom participation, engaging student activities and preparing for examinations.
Students were also mainly interacted through questions & answers, group learning, and small-groups discussions.