9th Annual Sinhala Studies Symposium 2019 – 17th & 18th Oct.
The 9th Annual Sinhala Studies Symposium organized by the Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo, is scheduled to be held on 17 – 18 October 2019 at the Department of Sinhala. This year the conference theme is “Sinhala Studies: Past, Present, and Future” and the event will be extended through following sub-themes enabling a participation of wide range of scholars from both academic and non-academic research contexts across number of
subject disciplines. This year, the conference organized by the Department of Sinhala is entwined with the celebration of 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Sinhala in 1944 at the University of Ceylon.
Thus, the conference will accept research proposals from socio-anthropological studies, political sciences, and other related study disciplines of humanities and social sciences. Thus, our goal is to explore ways in which Sinhala Studies overlap across other disciplines.
Sub-themes of the conference are as follows.
Language, Grammar and Linguistics
Literary Studies
Cultural and Folklore Studies
Oriental Studies
Socio-Anthropological Studies
Literature Studies
Drama, Performing and Fine Arts
Translation Studies
Gender Studies
Epigraphy and Paleography
You may present your research either orally or as a poster presentation, and all sessions will be conducted bilingually. We encourage you to submit your extended abstracts on or before 20th August 2019 01st September 2019 to following email sinhalaconference2019@gmail.com, and you may also submit your abstract via our conference website https://arts.cmb.ac.lk/sinhala/
For more details please contact our conference team.
Achinthya Bandara (Conference Chair)
(94) 711 488 428
Supipi Thanuja Harshani (Conference Coordinator)
(94) 714 836 858
We look forward to see you in October to share your research with an multidisciplinary academic audience gathered to Colombo with a collective thirst of exploring crossroads of Sinhala Studies.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://arts.cmb.ac.lk/sinhala/wp-content/uploads/SSS-2019_Sinhala.pdf”]
[pdf-embedder url=”http://arts.cmb.ac.lk/sinhala/wp-content/uploads/SSS-2019_English.pdf”]