The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the system on which Honours and Passes are awarded. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned throughout a student’s study period (excluding the First Year in Arts) by the number of minimum required CUs. For a three-year Degree programme this minimum number of CUs is 20 while for a four-year Degree programme it is 30.
Calculation of GPA
GPA = Ʃ GP/N Where,
ƩGP = Total of grade points
N = Number of CUs.
When a student has completed more CU(s) than the minimum number stipulated in the By-Laws, the grade points of all completed CUs by the student will be taken in to account for GPA calculation.
Cut-off Points of GPA
1st Class = GPA ≥ 3.70
2nd Upper = 3.30 ≤ GPA< 3.70
2nd Lower = 3.00 ≤GPA< 3.30
Ordinary pass = 2.00 ≤ GPA< 3.00