End-of-semester examinations/assessments are not repeated under any circumstances. If a student fails to sit the end-of-semester examination of a particular CU(s), he/she can sit for it in the next academic year, or in the following semester of the same academic year, but only if the CU(s) is being offered in that semester.
Mid-term exams, assignments, classroom tests, oral presentations, etc. in general are not repeated either. The dates of these tests are notified at the beginning of each semester by academic staff. It is therefore the responsibility of the student to sit for these tests and complete his/her assignments on time.
However, if a student is unable to complete an assignment due to unavoidable circumstances, she/he can request the lecturer(s) in writing for a make-up test. Requests should reach the lecturer(s), along with supporting documents, within two weeks of the original date of the assignment or mid semester exam. Students are advised, however, that the respective Departments will make the final decision on such requests.
All make-up tests/assignments should be completed before the end-of-semester examination of the CU(s) commences. Departments that decide not to offer make-up tests will inform students of their decision at the beginning of the semester.
Under the CU System, students can complete their missed evaluations in future semesters. Students who have successfully completed their continuous evaluations but have not been able to complete the end-of-semester examination of a particular CU(s) due to a genuine reason can request the relevant Department, through the IDC Coordinator, to carry forward the marks obtained at the
continuous assessment until she/he sits the end-of-semester examination of the CU(s) in question. The maximum period for which such marks can be carried forward is two consecutive academic years.