Sociology Students Association often referred to as the SSA, is one of the most active student collaborations in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Colombo. It is composed of a large number of undergraduates from the field of Sociology belonging to all four years. The association is responsible for a number of activities which they organize every year such as the Sociology Special students’ welcome for the incoming undergraduates chosen for the four-year Sociology Special degree, final year farewell party for the fourth year outgoing undergraduates, awareness campaigns, fundraisers and many more. In addition to the independent activities carried out by the association, a number of collaborative projects are also done with the Sociology Alumni Association of University of Colombo (SAAUC) and the Department of Sociology. These projects are aimed at raising awareness, professional grooming, and knowledge building. One of the popular collaborative projects organized by the SSA is the meet-ups organized with practitioners and professionals in the field of Sociology in Sri Lanka. This is a very significant programme which enables third year and final year undergraduates to broaden their understandings of the possibilities open for them in the professional world.

Sociology Students Association also aspires to contribute to the ongoing discourses in the world around them, and the necessity to create a platform where the voices of the undergraduates can be heard. With the intention of achieving this, the SSA has created an online platform in the form of a blog, where Sociology students can express their views and thoughts. This platform is named as ‘Socioscope’ and can be accessed at