World Population Day Celebration 2023
50th Anniversary for Teaching and Research in Demography
World Population Day Celebration – 2023
Department of Demography
Faculty of Arts
University of Colombo
The Department of Demography, University of Colombo in collaboration with UNFPA and the Population Association of Sri Lanka, organized an event to commemorate World Population Day which falls on 11th July each year, conducted at New Arts Theater, University of Colombo on 11th July 2023 from 8.30 am to 10.00 am. This year, the Department of Demography, University of Colombo marks its 50th Anniversary and the World Population Day Celebration – 2023 was organized as one of the events included in the 50th Anniversary Celebration event series. Accordingly, it was conducted under the theme “Unleashing the Power of Gender Equality: Uplifting the Voices of Women and Girls to Unlock Our World’s Infinite Possibilities”. The event was graced by the Chief Guest, Prof. Lasantha Manawadu, Acting Vice Chancellor and Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo and the Guest of Honor, Ms. Sharika Cooray, Acting Country Representative of UNFPA Sri Lanka. The event’s opening remarks were delivered by Professor Manori K. Weeratunga, Head of the Department of Demography, University of Colombo. The keynote speaker of the event was Dr. Shreenika De Silva Weliange, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo and Prof. Sunethra Perera, Department of Demography, University of Colombo and President, Population Association of Sri Lanka introduced the keynote speaker to the audience. The keynote speech was delivered under the topic of Healthy Lifestyles for Wellbeing and Happiness highlighting the main theme of the event. The keynote speech emphasized how good health and wellbeing direct all nations to a happy life which indirectly makes more opportunities for them in the world and maintaining good health and awareness about health rights will support women and girls to have more power and open their voices to win their rights. Oratory and poster competitions were also included in this event which were commenced weeks before the main event. Ms. Nethra Senadhi, Event Coordinator, delivered a brief note about the oratory and poster competitions which were organized with the large and active participation of the undergraduates of the Faculty of Arts and the awards ceremony took place on the event day. The event’s closing remarks were delivered by Dr. Kumudika Boyagoda, Senior Lecturer, Department of Demography, University of Colombo. The official media partner of this event was Supreme TV and the event was broadcasted in Sirasa TV news which facilitated the World’s Population Day Celebration – 2023 outreach to a larger audience. In addition, a newspaper article about the event was published in the Daily News.