IConArts 2024 







The Organising Committee of the International Conference of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo (IConArts 2024) invites researchers from all local and international universities and research institutions to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation at the technical sessions of the IConArts 2024, the annual research symposium of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo in November 2024.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the proceedings of IConArts 2024. Presenters based in Sri Lanka are expected to present on-site. Overseas presenters will have the option of making online presentations.

To be considered for evaluation, each submission should include the following documents:

  1. A short abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  2. An extended abstract (including the background, objectives, research design/materials and methods, results/ findings, conclusions, and references) not exceeding 1000 words.
  3. The declaration form completed and signed by the corresponding author.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 19th July 2024


Guidelines for preparation of abstracts are attached. Please follow the instructions carefully. Please note that abstracts which are not prepared according to the required guidelines, or submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for review. The Editorial Committee of IConArts 2024 reserves the right to make alterations to the text of the abstracts for the purpose of enhancing its quality.

Please submit your abstracts on or before the deadline, through the following link:


Organizing Committee

IConArts 2024

Faculty of Arts

University of Colombo


Guidelines for Authors


i)    The abstracts must showcase original and innovative research not previously presented or published

ii)   The author/s should have adhered to ethical norms in conducting the research

iii)   An author may submit a maximum of one abstract as single-author, and up to three abstracts as co- author.

     No author shall submit more than four abstracts in total. 


Guidelines for preparation of short abstracts


i)  The relevant sub-theme should be specified at the top of the abstract, above the authors’ names.

ii)  The author(s)’ names and addresses

a) Capital letters should be used only for the initials and the first letters of the surnames of authors.

b) The address of the institution where the work was carried out should be included under the author’s name.

c) If the collaborators are from different institutions, the addresses of the institutions should be briefly In this case, the addresses of the co-authors should be indicated by a number in superscript after the authors’ names and before the respective addresses as shown below.


Example (Multiple authors):


P. Menikpurage1, D. T. U. Abeytunga1, R. L. C. Wijesundara2

 1 Department of Political Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

2 Department of International Relations, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.


iii)   The title should be brief and reflect the study Capital letters should be used only for the first letter in the first word of the title, and for proper nouns.

iv)   The text of the abstract should not exceed 300 words excluding title, author affiliations, acknowledgements, and key words.

v)    The abstract should include the purpose and background of the research, and must be structured into introduction, methods, findings/results, and conclusions.

vi)   Acknowledgements should be restricted to the names of funding agencies providing sponsorship.

vii)   Standard abbreviations of SI units should be used.

viii)   A maximum of five (05) keywords could be provided.

ix)    The abstract should be coherent and free of language errors.

x)     The abstract should fit into a single A4 page with 1-inch margins all round, font Times New Roman, size 11, and 1.5 spacing.


Guidelines for preparation of extended abstracts (should be submitted with short abstract)


 i)   Title of the abstract: The title of the abstract should be brief and should reflect the study Only the first word and any proper nouns in the title and subtitles should be capitalized.

ii)   The text should not exceed 1000 words (excluding references).

ii)   The extended abstract should cover the following aspects: Background, objectives, research design/materials and methods, results/findings, conclusions and references.

iv)   The extended abstract should be coherent and free of language errors.

v)    Tables and diagrams can be included and should be referred to in the text as Table 1 or 1…etc.

vi)   References should be limited to only essential ones.

vii)  References should be formatted in APA Style (7th edition).

viii)  Except for extended abstracts containing multiple tables or figures, an abstract should fit into a single A4 page with 1-inch margins all round, font Times New Roman, size 11, and 5 spacing.

ix)    The IConArts 2024 Committee reserves the right to reject the abstracts not conforming to these requirements.

x)     The full papers of the selected abstracts will be published by a reputed international publisher following the completion of the conference.

xi)    The abstracts could be presented by a staff member or a postgraduate student of the University of Colombo. In the case of undergraduate students wishing to present, only supervisors working with undergraduate students on research projects can present at the If the presenter indicated in the application is unable to present the paper, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author either to withdraw the paper in advance or to arrange for one of the Co-Authors to present.


Submission guidelines


i)    Submit your abstract in both Word and pdf formats electronically, via the Google form.

ii)   The Word and pdf formats of your submission should be identical

iii)   Do not submit the same abstract multiple times

iv)   Your submission should contain:

a) the short abstract (first page) and

b) the extended abstract

v)   The file name of your abstract should be Surname/s of author/s_Title of research (use underscores between the author names)


                   Ratnayake_Female labour force

                   DeSilva_Perera_Effective communication

vi)   Declaration form

The declaration form must be signed, scanned, and submitted, via the Google form along with your abstract. If the corresponding author is a student, it is mandatory that the declaration form should be signed by the supervising author/s.

vii)   Please note that all correspondence will be addressed to the corresponding author.



Download IConArts-2024_Call-for-Abstracts-and-Author-Guidelines.pdf