Curves & Colours- An Art Therapy Workshop

Curves & Colours- An Art Therapy Workshop

Curves & Colours is an Art Therapy Workshop series organized by the Career Guidance Unit of Faculty of Arts. The second workshop was held on 20th of March, 2024 from 04.00 to 06.00 p.m. with the participation of 50 selected undergraduates representing all years of the Arts faculty.

Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu, Dean of the faculty graced the occasion with his presence. The welcome speech was delivered by Mr, Saman wanasinghe, the Director of the Career Guidance Unit of the faculty where he discussed the importance of students engaging with arts as a way to relieve any academic stress. Next, Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu addressed the gathering briefly.

The workshop was conducted by Ms. Erandathie Damunupola, a visiting lecturer in English language at the Department of English Language Teaching of University of Colombo. She is an artist, a writer and an art therapist. She is an artist who is encouraged and inspired by the Sri Lankan traditional art and has also authored two adult colouring books, Liyawela and Liyapatha. Her main focus was to give an idea to the participants about a collage art form which is created by pasting tissue papers freely on a page to make an artistic creation. By the end of the workshop beautiful pieces of art were created by the students.