Blind Cricket in the University of Colombo
For the first time in the Sri Lankan University Sports history, the University of Colombo took the first step to introduce Blind Cricket for the visually impaired students. This initiative will encourage and empower the visually impaired students to explore fresh avenues of extended co-curricular activities in the university. Blind Cricket in the University of Colombo is founded by Dr Samantha Nanayakkara, Senior Lecturer in Sports Studies at the Faculty of Arts. The honour of this initiative extends to the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor H.D. Karunarathne and Dean of Faculty of Arts, Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu for their diligence in materializing this concept. Dr. Kapila Bandara, Chairman of Sports Board and Mr Sanjeewa Jayasinghe, (Actg) Director of Physical Education also supported immensely to succeed this initiative. The University of Colombo looks forward to cooperating with Sri Lanka Blind Cricket Association to represent the institution in national and international level tournaments.