Corporate Gateway – Guest Lecture

Corporate Gateway – Guest Lecture

A guest lecture titled ‘Corporate Gateway’ was organized by the Career Guidance Unit of Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, on the 25th of March, 2024. Approximately 50 undergraduates from all four years of the faculty participated in this event.
The distinguished presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu, and the Director of the Career Guidance Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Mr. Saman Wanasinghe, added prestige to the occasion. The event commenced with a warm welcome extended by the Director of the Career Guidance Unit of the Faculty of Arts.
The guest speaker, Mr. Madhushan Keerage, a Certified NLP practitioner, Transformational Coach, HR & Lean Professional, shared valuable insights during the session. The primary objective was to provide undergraduates with a comprehensive understanding of the corporate world and its organizational structure. Additionally, students gained insights into the essential skills and attributes highly valued in corporate settings. Topics such as strategies for professional growth and overcoming challenges in the corporate world were also thoroughly discussed.
Overall, this guest lecture served as a foundational guide, empowering students to navigate the corporate landscape with confidence and competence.