Special Courses

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General Courses


Department of Economics – University of Colombo

Undergraduate Degrees

Undergraduate courses consist of three-year general degree (BA) Programs and four-year special degree (BA Hons.) Programs. Students who wish to follow four-year Econ special degree must select,


To read for a four year degree in Economics it is compulsory to obtain at least one (A-) and (B) grade for ECN 1101 and ECN 1201, and at least (A-) Grade for FND1106/1206, and a minimum aggregate of 210 marks.


Study Stream Degree Programme

Undergraduate courses consist of three-year Study Stream Degree (BA) Programs and four-year Special Degree (BA Hons.) Programs.

The duration of a general degree course is three years including the first year of study. The Department of Economics offers following two streams for the study stream courses:

  • Banking and Finance Study Stream in Economics
  • Business and Managerial Economics Study Stream in Economics