Happy-Healthy-Love 2025
‘Happy-Healthy-Love’ YWC in collaboration with UNFPA & FPA
The ‘Happy-Healthy-Love’ campaign was organized by the Youth Wellness Center, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, with the collaboration of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPASL). The event contained impactful awareness-building session on sexual and reproductive health conducted by Dr. Asanthi Balapitiya (Consultant Physician), Health Promotion Bureau, a film screening of ‘Who is Blind,’ and outdoor activities of the expression of happy, healthy love with the participation of a large number of students from the Faculty of Arts. The campaign was held on 13th February 2025 with the participation of Prof.Chandana Aluthge (representing Dean, Faculty of Arts), Dr. Rai Buneventura, Director – Programmes (UNFPA), Dr. Menik Wakkumbura, Director (YWC), senior academics of the Faculty, and executive members of the collaborative organizations.