Panel Discussion on Mindfulness, Worklife Balance and Environmental Sustainability- සාර්ථක ජීවිතයකට සතිය, වැඩ සහ ජීවිත සමතුලිතාවය සහ පාරිසරික යහපැවැත්ම
Mindfulness, Worklife Balance and Environmental Sustainability
සාර්ථක ජීවිතයකට සතිය, වැඩ සහ ජීවිත සමතුලිතාවය සහ පාරිසරික යහපැවැත්ම
Panel Discussion
Bloom your mindset with mindfulness to thrive in your life
For All Undergraduates of the Faculty of Arts & Undergraduates of University of Colombo
27th of February 2023
From 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
At New Arts Theatre (NAT), University of Colombo
Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis. ලියාපදිංචි වන පළමු සිසුන් 500 දෙනාට මේ සඳහා සහභාගි වීමට අවස්ථාව හිමි වේ.
Please register before 25th of February 2023
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/sHjxDfH6VD1iQrtr5
Scan the QR code to register:
For further details contact: cgu@arts.cmb.ac.lk 0112505728
Mr. Saman Wanasinghe: 0718140130
Ms. Poojanee Galhenege:0764151847