Recipient of Business Grant offered by National Enterprise Development Authority
It is with much pleasure that we wish to inform the following graduate of the faculty was awarded a grant by National Enterprise Development Authority and Ministry of Industries on 14th of December 2023 for the development of her small scale business.
Name of the student – A.M.Erandi Gunathilaka (2018BA22443)
The Career Guidance Unit of Faculty of Arts in collaboration with National Enterprise Development Authority (NEDA)organized a three day workshop, ‘Upadhidhari Vyavasaya Udaanaya – Brain into Business 2023’ on 28th, 29th and 30th of April, 2023 with the participation of 44 undergraduates of the faculty. At the end of the workshop students were given a period of one month to write a business proposal. In the preliminary round the best business proposals were selected by NEDA and those who were selected had to go through a thorough interview process.
The awarding ceremony held on 14th of December at Ministry of Industries. The above student who is currently an entrepreneur, owns a batik clothing business –‘Ranmuthu Bathik’.