Recipient of Business Grant offered by National Enterprise Development Authority
Recipient of Business Grant offered by National Enterprise Development Authority
It is with much pleasure that we wish to inform the following graduate of the Faculty of Management of University of Colombo was awarded a grant by National Enterprise Development Authority and Ministry of Industries on 20th of December 2024 for the development of his small scale business.
Name of the student – Rashma Lakshan Herath
The Career Guidance Unit of Faculty of Arts in collaboration with National Enterprise Development Authority (NEDA)organized a three day workshop, ‘Upadhidhari Vyavasayaka Udaanaya – Brain into Business 2024’ on 29th, 30th & 31st of July, 2024 with the participation of 40 undergraduates of the university. At the end of the workshop students were given a period of one month to write a business proposal. In the preliminary round the best business proposals were selected by NEDA and those who were selected had to go through a thorough interview process.