Chinese Language Extension Courses - 2017


certificate , courses

The Confucius Institute of the University of Colombo is calling for applications for the following Chinese Language Extension Courses from 08th May  to  24th May 2017.


  1. Chinese Language for Beginners
  2. Chinese Language Proficiency for Tour Guides
  3. HSK Intensive Programs
  4. Spoken Chinese LanguageMedium of Instruction: English/ Sinhala

Duration of the course : Each course has 60 hours, 3 hours per day in Saturdays

Course fee : 15,000.00 for each course

Process of Application : The duly completed application form and payment of Rs. 500.00 as application form fee, credited to University of Colombo account 30412070000 at any branch of People’s Bank, should be mailed or handed over to the following address.

Applications are available at: and at the Department of Buddhist Studies. (email :

Chinese Language Extension Courses
Confucius Institute
Department of Buddhist Studies
Faculty of Arts
University of Colombo
Colombo 03
You may call at  011 2055487  (during office hours)  for further information :  or  email:


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