Guest Lecture – The Interaction of Confucianism, Buddhism & Taoism

Guest Lecture – The Interaction of Confucianism, Buddhism & Taoism

The Department of Buddhist Studies and the Confucius Institute organized a guest lecture on ‘The Interaction of Confucianism, Buddhism & Taoism’ , on 16th May 2017 at 1.00 pm  in the Faculty Boardroom, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo.   The lecture was delivered by Dr. Wang Fei (PhD: Assumption University, Thailand).

Dr. Wang Fei is a lecturer at Politics & International Relations School, Honghe University in China. She obtained her PhD (Major in Philosophy of Religious Studies) from Assumption University in Thailand, and her research was centered on “Interfaith Dialogue”. Further, she has published some articles and attended to international conferences. “A Comparison between Chinese Culture and American Culture”, “The Critical Research of Abortion” and “Does God have Many Names” are only few topics of them.