Book Launch of ‘Introduction to International Security’ and the Panel Discussion
The Department of International Relations has organised the book launch of ‘Introduction to International Security’ published under the IR Book Series and the panel discussion on ‘International Security in the 21st Century: Prospects and the Challenges’ ‘held on 10th July 2023 from 9.30am-10.45am at Room 302, at the Faculty of Arts.
The event was graced by the Dean, Faculty of Arts Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu, Heads of the Departments, Senior Academics and students following the International Security Course Unit. Dr. Harinda Vidanage, Director, at the Center for Strategic Assessment at Sir John Kotelawala Defence University was invited as the guest speaker. The Panel Discussion was led with the participation of Professor Chaminda Padmakumara, Head, Dept. of International Relations, Professor Maneesha Wanasinghe-Pasquel, and Dr. Emilia Yustinnigrum, Senior Researcher, BRIN, Indonesia. The book on Introduction to International Security was authored by Dr. Menik Wakkumbura, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Relations.